Talking Theology
The podcast of Cranmer Hall, the theological college within St John's College, Durham University. We explore life’s big questions, and look to join the dots between theology, church, and the world. Philip Plyming, Warden of Cranmer Hall, is joined by a wide range of guests with a wealth of knowledge and experience.
Talking Theology
Mark Bonnington - How Does the Book of Acts Both Challenge and Inspire the Mission of the Church?
Philip Plyming
Season 3
Episode 11
Is the Book of Acts just the story of what happened then or what could also happen today? What does the book of Acts tell us about the gospel that really changed the world? What was so distinct in those early Christian communities? And why is it important for the book of Acts to challenge us today?
Dr Mark Bonnington is the Senior Leader at King’s Church Durham and teaches on the book of Acts within the MA programme here at Cranmer Hall.
For more information about Mark see here.