Talking Theology
The podcast of Cranmer Hall, the theological college within St John's College, Durham University. We explore life’s big questions, and look to join the dots between theology, church, and the world. Philip Plyming, Warden of Cranmer Hall, is joined by a wide range of guests with a wealth of knowledge and experience.
Talking Theology
Philip Plyming - Why Did Paul Tell Stories of His Own Hardship and What Does That Mean for Us Today?
Philip Plyming
Season 5
Episode 23
What's striking about the Apostle Paul and the stories he shared? What was first-century Corinth really like, and what was the real problem with the Corinthian church? How was the cross the content of Paul's preaching but also the pattern of his living? And how might Paul's cross-shaped narrative about himself affect the way we tell our stories today?
In today's episode we will be talking to Rev Canon Dr Philip Plyming. Philip is warden of Cranmer Hall, as well as the host of Talking Theology. His new book, Being Real: The Apostle Paul's Hardship Narratives and the Stories We Tell Today is being released later this year.